Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Song and a Picture

This week has been crazy busy! I only have time for the shortest of short posts today...but wanted to share some music that I've been listening to as I check things off my list. I really enjoy The Weepies in general, but this song - A Painting by Chagall - in particular. It's lovely and upbeat with specific imagery. Happy! And I looked up Chagall, as I was not familiar with him, though I might have heard his name in passing. Here's a painting of his...

Appropriately enough, it's named Lovers and Flowers. Goes along with our song, I must say. =)

Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Kristen! How was Pushing Daisies?? I think I must have seen the first few episodes a dozen times, because I'm allllways inviting people over to watch it! So sad that it ended. I have my fingers crossed for a movie. You should definitely have a PD party and let me know how it goes!

    p.s. I too adore this whimsical little song. Something tells me we both have good taste.... ;)

    - Sarah


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