So, I've got this problem. It's a good problem.
It's this: I have myriads of ideas for blog posts floating around in my head, many of which shouuuld actually get written at some point or another. But since I'm already kinda behind, I'm not sure where to start. And what you, the reader, want to, So, I'm taking a poll.
There's another point to this also...I am curious about my readers. I thiiink I have more readers than my 13 "followers," because sometimes other people comment. Or sometimes someone tells me in person that they enjoy my blog and I had no idea that they ever read it. Which makes me ridiculously happy. Really. Over the moon! I told you it was ridiculous...
I know how I am when it comes to reading people's blogs...sometimes I don't comment because I don't have anything to add; sometimes I don't comment because I don't know how on their particular blog. Or I don't want to take the time to figure it out. But I've gotta tell ya, once you start your own blog, it's different. You wonder, a la The Pioneer Woman, "Is this thing on??" Yeah, Ree, it's ON. Why do you even ask?? We're here...thousands of us. We're here and we're listening. ;) And laughing, because you're stinkin' funny. But you can't really hear us...maybe that's why you're asking. Still, because she has so many readers, she has zillions of comments on every post. I've gotta admit, I don't usually comment unless I've tried - and loved - one of her recipes...or there's a giveaway. And when there's a giveaway, do I even have half a chance of winning a brand new RED Kitchen Aid mixer? Um, no. I would have a bigger chance of getting one by going to Kohl's and finding $299.99 stuffed in one of the mixing bowls in the beautiful, beautiful Kitchen Aid display.
Obviously, I can't give away Kitchen Aid mixers, even though I appreciate them dearly and think EVERY cook should have one. (I have my mother's older blue one, by the way, lest you were feeling sorry for me earlier. It does the job, so I can't justify spending money on another just yet.) AnyWAY, I am off subject. Kinda.
Here's the deal. I'm going to give you, the readers, a couple of how-to's about posting a comment or becoming a follower - and a list of possible post ideas. And you, the readers, can give me some feedback. And I will randomly choose someone to receive something awesome. I say "something awesome" because no, I don't know what it is yet. Hey, it's going to depend on who wins. It could be a baked good...or some future homemade plum jelly or homemade pear preserves. Or...if you don't live in Henderson or thereabouts, it might (will) be something smaller and lighter that I can mail to you. It could be cookies. What think you? Is this a good plan?
What if I don't know you? Well, you can still read my blog. I don't have a problem with that. And you can still win something. =)
Alright, here's the how-to's on posting a comment or becoming a "follower." You can set up a Google account and sign in that way. It takes a very, very short minute. Seriously. You don't have to make a complete profile. You don't have to load a picture.
Or you can be "anonymous." But...if you do decide to be anonymous, please sign off with your name or something distinguishing. =) If you found the link to my blog through Facebook, you can also comment on there. No problem. And one more thing...if you don't want to sign up with a Google account or wait to catch the next posting with a Facebook link, you can message me with your email address and I can add you to my email list. Then it will automatically get sent to you, no matter if you do gmail or something entirely different.
That business is taken care of...let's talk about creative writing, which is why I enjoy blogging.
Go ahead and give me your top three choices. Or you can say something along the lines, "All of it! Tell me about ALL of it!" By the way, flattery will get you everywhere with me. ;)
A. Three (now Four!) Nests of Baby Birds
B. Chocolate Chip Cookies (The traditional, the NEW, and the healthy-but-still-awesome versions)
C. The Tea Party Report - Part 5: The Tea Boutique
D. Recipes: Strawberry Pie, Polynesian Chicken, Crash Hot Potatoes, Sweet Potato Fries, etc.
E. A Tale of Two Butterfly Cakes
F. What's Really Important: i.e., Self-indulgence vs. Self-control, Riches in Heaven, Finding God in Everything, Out in a Crowd
G. Gardening (and Living) in my Grandparents' House
H. Why You Should be Involved in Mission Work
I. Container Garden and Cardigarden Update
J. More Conversations with the Husband
K. LOST: Why I Miss it Already
L. Family Secrets (not really - that's just to see if my mom's found my blog yet)
And there's more...I'm positive. Also, the titles are working titles. They may become slightly undorkier upon further inspection. I do hope. But I promise that all of them will be thought-provoking or funny or...something.
Alright, your turn. You can even answer, "I don't care what you write...just say something and let me go on and live my life." But I can see into your future and that's not gonna bode well for you, prize-wise.
Maybe I shouldn't have asked you to comment. Maybe I should have been more discreet, as in saying, "I don't hate comments." Maybe I should have used reverse psychology on you. Like our three-year-old friend Tessa often must be dealt with. ("Don't you give Larry a hug! Don't do it! Don't you dare!")
So...don't you comment on my blog! Don't do it.
Don't you dare. =)
Rethinking Modesty: Another Great Link
14 years ago